Un zine el cual dese la primera hojeada te va a parecer interesante,de eso estoy mas que seguro,y por que? pues muy simple,por que es bastante interesante.El diseño es bastante ordenado y captura la vista de inmediato,combinando fotos con graficos que hacen que cada pagina sea digna de ser observada con detenimiento.Aqui podras encontrar entrevistas con gente relacionada con el arte y el diseño grafico tambien podras enterarte de otras publicaciones y de festivales de zines por el mundo.Un zine que no solo es interesante si no que tambien esta muy bien presentado.Escrito en ingles.
A zine that from the very first looking turn into something really interesting,im more than sure about it,why? really simply..because this zine looks just awesome.The layout is very clear and take a lot of care on the details,the design details,mixing pictures with letter making each page a document that you must to look at and enjoy.Here you can find interviews with people that have to do with art and graphic design also you can read a bout other publications and zine festival around the world.A publication that is not only interesting but also very well done.Writing in English.
Contacto/Contact : feverzine.co.uk