Damn Good Coffee #3

Interesante fanzine Hardcore,el cual en esta edicion nos trae entrevistas con Kingdom,The Now-Denial,Heartbreak Kid,Ritual,Chokehold,ademas de articulos y reseñas,La forma de estar escrito es de manera amena y bastante accesible lo cual hace que la lectura del zine se haga bastante interesante y en abrir y cerrar de ojos se acabe sin darte cuenta.La diagramacion es bastante buena con muchas fotos y flyers.Una lectura entretenida e informativa.Escrito en ingles.
Interesting Hardcore zine,this time you can read interviews with : Kingdom,The New-Denial,Heartbreak Kid,Ritual,Chokehold,plus articles and a good review section.The way the zine is writing is very friendly and cool so to read it is a very pleasure.The layout is also very cool with tons of pictures and releases flyers,how a good hxc zine must looks.A very interesting reading offers you this publication.Writing in english.

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