I'm One Of An Odd Family # 1

Edicion debut de este zine musical proveniente de Australia.Cuenta con entrevistas a : The Museum,Ultra Violent Mc,Brown Panthers,Dotabata y Aoi.Con preguntas interestantes y bien formuladas,el diseño es batsante old school,con mucho collage en blanco/negro a fotocopia.Excelente primer numero de este zine,que se que ya edito un nuevo numero.Escrito en ingles.
Debut issue of this music zine from Australia,with interviews to : The Museum,Ultra Violent Mc,Brow Panthers,Dotabata and Aoi.With interesting and well done questions.the layout es damm cool,a lot of collage in black/white in copy.A great first issue,as far as i know they have the second issue out now.Writing in english.
Contacto/Contact : meandmyfamily@ymail.com