Some Are More Equal "idem"

Ep cdr debut de esta banda Alemana,que en 6 temas nos entregan melodia,breakdown y mucho old school hardcore.Sus tematica va desde el odio a la esperanza combinado estructuras de sonido fuerte pero a la vez melodioso.La edicion es totalmente diy,simple pero muy bien trabajada.Da gusto oir bandas de buena calidad y concientes de a donde desean llegar.
Ep cd debut of this from Germany,what we have here are 6 tunes that bring us melodies,breakdowns,fear,hope and cool old school hardcore:their songs goes about fear,hope,love and hate,the combine very well hard sound with melodies.The release is enterely diy,simple but very well done.Im glad that still are out there honest bands what know what they want and how to get it.