Segunda edicion de este zine Belga,como en su primer numero aqui trata sobre las personas y lugares que la editora a conocido en sus multiples viajes,haciendo realidad eso de armar una network con gente de muchos sitios.Incluye un par de comix sobre la editora y sus experiencia poniendo ferias en conciertos,muchos textos sobre experiencias de viajes y contando a quienes conocio.Escrito de una manera coloquial y entretenida que hace pasar las hojas sin darte cuenta.Escrito en ingles.
Second issue of this since from Belgium,as well as her first issue the editor tell us about experiences traveling,place she saw and people she meet.Making true this about a worldwide network of riot grrrls.Also you find two funny comix about her experience making merch table in concerts,storys about towns and people.Writting in a very friendly and familiar way that make that read and read and want more.Writing in english.
Second issue of this since from Belgium,as well as her first issue the editor tell us about experiences traveling,place she saw and people she meet.Making true this about a worldwide network of riot grrrls.Also you find two funny comix about her experience making merch table in concerts,storys about towns and people.Writting in a very friendly and familiar way that make that read and read and want more.Writing in english.