I wanted for lo long have this zine, and finally i have the opportunity of write about in here.This is a print zine from Spain that is fully of Diy feeling.This issue contain interviews with : Cop De Fona,Bad Brains,Kanzer De Eskroto,Velocidad Absurda,Insulters,Mob 47,Fuego De Cobertura,Decapitated Christ,Little Moroccos,Sotalita.Very interesting columms and a super hiper complete review section.Great work here,writting in a very coloquial way,that let the feeling of want to read more and are 64 pages!.The editor is a truly "ochesta man",do the zine,a radio show,play a couple of bands, a great example of what the diy can do if you have passion for.Writing in spanish.
Contacto/Contact : http://www.myspace.com/ciutatpodrida